What is failure?


  1. Fracture of a surface; slit, splinter. Example of an earthquake
  2. Lack of perfection; defect, error.

What does the Bible say about failure?

Overcoming our failures

We are not unharmed by failures, of course, but we can avoid making common mistakes, and we can overcome life's mistakes with a few simple attitudes. First of all, we must be aware that when we act consciously we cannot speak of a "trap". When I steal, curse, cheat, gossip, I am acting on my own. No one is possessed by a spirit from the beyond and commits adultery. We must be humble to recognize that we are not perfect. We have flaws and are susceptible to mistakes. We have to identify areas where we are weakest. If it is in the sexual area, finance, language, whatever, we must “get smart” and not feed what can bring us destruction.

Being in family, church, is also indispensable. By participating in a Christian community we learn, listen, meditate and keep our minds busy learning good and profitable things for us.

We will meditate on the following verses to face life's mistakes with dignity and authority.

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
Proverbs 3:5-8 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirit.

Honestly admitting our mistakes is the first step in dealing with them and changing, this is the purest of truths and every time we make a mistake we will have to face the results of what we have done and, many times, throughout our lives.

There is a popular saying that insisting on mistakes is not very smart, but how can a person fail to make mistakes if he cannot even admit his mistake?

There are some reasons for this type of attitude, not admitting your mistake, but the main two are stubbornness and arrogance.

Stubborn and boastful people are persistent in insisting on doing things the wrong way, not admitting to change, thinking that they are always right.

It is logical that, unfortunately, people with this type of positioning will suffer a lot in their lives, because as our mistakes always generate consequences, it is evident that they will have to live with situations created by the insistence on continuing to make mistakes.

David, although he committed sins, acknowledged his mistakes and, better, did not commit them again, but that did not prevent him from suffering a lot because of that, he had to accept and live with the sufferings caused by them.

The great truth is that the vast majority of people are unable to have the wisdom to learn from mistakes made throughout their lives, they do not realize that they could live in a much better way if they changed certain positions and, out of pride, out of stubbornness, or whatever it is, they continue to follow the same road full of misunderstandings.

David was the greatest king of Israel, he is described by God as a man after His heart, he made a series of mistakes in his life, but he had the humility to acknowledge them and he did not make them again and that is one of the greatest lessons that we should learn from him.

So, we would like to end this article by asking a question: What changes would be necessary in our lives so that we can start to recognize our mistakes?

This would be the first, and most important, step that we could take to change our trajectory.

God bless you!